Advanced Scholarship Program for Adults


UWAYLIM is an in-depth scholarship track designed for adults seeking advanced study in Islamic knowledge. Taught by scholar Shadee Elmasry, this rigorous program covers the sciences of Quran and Hadith, offering a transformative opportunity to engage deeply with classical Islamic texts. UWAYLIM provides the structure and scholarly guidance for dedicated students to grow in both knowledge and understanding.


Dr. Shadee Elmasry

Program Details

  • Audience: Adults

  • Schedule: Sundays, 1 pm - 4 pm

  • Term: Sep 15 - Dec 19 (No class Sep 22, Oct 6, & Dec 1)

  • Location: NBIC

  • Cost: $320/term (book included)

  • Children’s Program Provided: On-site childcare and activities for children

Core Studies

  • Sciences of Quran and Hadith, focusing on traditional scholarship and analysis

Coordinator: Menna Elzoghaby
Contact: Registrar@SafinaSociety.org

Elevate your understanding of Islam with UWAYLIM, a program for those committed to a scholarly journey in faith and learning.